Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lotsa Info: Money, Money, Money, Money. Mooooooooney! Payouts & Tie-Breakers

If you're looking for the Week 1 Schedule, it's here

Hey now gang, it's money breakdown time. I know in each of your heart of hearts you're in this pool for one reason: love of the game. Sure, everyone wants to get paid, but for you it's the competition, the dedication, and the desire to show you're the best that drives you each week. I respect that. Or, as the kids say, 'Gots ta 'spect it, son.'

So you may not have any interest in the rest of this post. But I figured, I may as well post it, you know, just in case someone actually cares. I mean, I'm sure you don't, but someone might.

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In this moist season of manly NFL action, we've got 17 people participating in the Pool(poop!). That's [breaks out abacus] $2,125 in total money. Remember, nothing comes off the top. All of the money goes back to you. Or if I'm lucky, me. After consulting with my Treasurer, Matthew Mariam, we've decided on the following payouts.

Weekly Winner: $80 (17 x $80 = $1,360)
- Each week this prize goes to 1), the person with the best record, or 2) in the case of a tie, the person with the best record who came the closest without going over to the total points of that week's designated Monday night game, or 3) if everyone tied for first went over, then the person with the best record who got the closest to the total points.

Final Standings:
First overall: $420
Second overall: $210
Third overall: $135

[$1,360 + $420 + $210 + $135 = $2,125]

Final Overall Standings Tie Payout Scenarios (FOSTPS)

In the years doing this pool we've never had a tie at the top of the final standings before. But just in case, I thought it would be good to put in writing.  For my own amusement I'll do this in the form of a FAQ ("Hey, man!  FAAA Q!")


Q: What if there is a two way tie for first?

A: The first overall and second overall prize money is combined ($420 + $210 = $630) and divided by two ($630 / 2 = $315).  Each of the tied participants receives an equal share. The person finishing behind the top two wins the third overall prize ($135).


Q: What if there is a three way (or more) tie for first?

A: All the prize money is be combined ($765) and divided by the number of people tied for the position.


Made Up Final Standings:
Person 1 ... 200-2
Person 2 ... 200-2
Person 3 ... 200-2
Person 4 ... 199-3
Person 5 ... 198-4

- Person 1, Person 2, and Person 3 are tied for first overall. All the final money is added together ($765), split three ways, and distributed equally to each ($255 per share).

- Person 4 and Person 5 get kicked in the dick.


Q: What if there is a tie for second overall, but not for first overall?

A:  The person who finishes first overall will receive the full first overall prize.  The people tied for second will receive the total of the second and third overall prizes ($210 + $135 = $345) divided by the number of people tied for second.

Example 3

Final Standings:
Person 1 ... 200-2
Person 2 ... 199-3
Person 3 ... 199-3
Person 4 ... 199-3
Person 5 ... 198-4

- Person 1 wins the full first overall prize of $410.
- Person 2, Person 3 and Person 4 are all tied for second. The second place and third place money ($210 and $135) are combined ($345) and split three ways so that each receives a share ($115).
- Person 5 receives a boot to the nads.


Q: What if there are no ties for first or second but there is a tie for third?

A: The first and second overall prizes will be distributed normally. The third overall prize ($135) will be split as many ways as there are third place finishers.


Q: What if there is a two-way tie for first overall and a tie for third overall?

A: You mean if the final standings look like this?

Person 1 ... 200-2
Person 2 ... 200-2
Person 3 ... 199-3
Person 4 ... 198-4
Person 5 ... 198-4

Q: Yes.

A: In that case the first overall prize and the second overall prize would be added together and divided up equally between the top two finishers as discussed above.  The third overall prize would go to Person 3, who finished third overall.  Persons 4 and 5 would receive the out-of-contention punch to the nuts.


Q: What if there are no ties at all?

A: Whore it out, baby. 


* * *

I hope that is all clear. Please email me if you have any questions.

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