Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week 13: Schedule

This schedule is like a pie: delicious and fattening.

Send in all your picks at once or your Thursday pick before the Thursday game (8:20pm EST) and the rest of the picks before the start of Sunday's games (1pm EST).

Philadelphia at Seattle

Sunday & Monday: 
Oakland at Miami
Tennessee at Buffalo
Kansas City at Chicago
Denver at Minnesota
New York Jets at Washington
Cincinnati at Pittsburgh
Atlanta at Houston
Carolina at Tampa Bay
Indianapolis at New England
Baltimore at Cleveland
Dallas at Arizona
Green Bay at New York "Gat-Toothed" Giants
St. Louis at San Francisco
Detroit at New Orleans
San Diego at Jacksonville (plus total points)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Week 12: Results

It's late and I'm tired so this is going to be a shorty. Week 12 closed with a bang as the Saints scored 712 points against something that used to be the Giants defense. It is no longer the Giants defense, it is now a reusable colostomy bag. Why? Because they got shat on again and again. Stay with me, people. 

The ridiculous number of points scored (actually it was 73 points) meant that everyone was under. Thus the one with the highest pick would win, and that was Josh Money. Congratulations, Josh! You win a reusable colostomy bag! Or the Weekly Standard Prize, which ever you prefer.

Here are the the final standings for Week 12.

1. Josh Money ... 14-2
1. Robin Wood ... 14-2
3. Christine Roberts ... 13-3
3. Matthew Kory ... 13-3
3. Gedeon Mariam ... 13-3
3. Dave Labowitz ... 13-3
7. Bill Denton ... 12-4
7. Paddy Althoff ... 12-4
7. Zack Klein ... 12-4
7. Joey Bansen ... 12-4
11. Jon Stover ... 11-5
11. Adam Roy ... 11-5
11. Sandy Kory ... 11-5
14. Ryan Schultz ... 10-6
14. Karl Vaillancourt ... 10-6
16. John Weaver ... 9-7
16. George Smith ... 9-7
18. Matthew Mariam ... 8-8

With five weeks to go, it's getting hot up in this piece. Better start making your moves, people. Time to make up some ground or go the heck home.  Remember, the top three overall finishers win dough. Right now, that would be Weaver, Labowitz, and then Wood and Money would split the third place share. But Karl Vaillancourt is just two wins back, Christine Roberts just four back, Zack Klein five back, Joey Bansen six and blah blah blah you get the point. This is anyone's Pool(poop!). But, you best grab it while you still can. Five more weeks remaining is all.

Week 12 lead to some tightening in the standings. For example, John Weaver's 7 game lead over the pack in general and Dave Labowitz in specific is now down to 3 games. Robin Wood and Josh Money (you'll find their names at the top of the Week 12 standings) have not surprisingly moved up the old ladder, now tying for third place.

Current Overall Standings (COS):

1. John Weaver ... 123
2. Dave Labowitz ... 120
3. Robin Wood ... 118
3. Josh Money ... 118
5. Karl Vaillancourt ... 116
6. Christine Roberts ... 114
7. Zack Klein ... 113
8. Joey Bansen ... 112
8. Matthew Mariam ... 112
10. Bill Denton ... 110
10. Gedeon Mariam ... 110
12. Matthew Kory ... 109
13. Sandy Kory ... 107
14. Ryan Schultz ... 104
15. George Smith ... 102
16. Paddy Althoff ... 101
17. Jon Stover ... 100
18. Adam Roy ... 99

One final note, I'd like to congratulate Adam Roy who became a dad this past week. Congrats, man, and as one dad to another, that little jar of strained carrots tastes pretty much like it looks.  

Week 12: Update

Just got back from Seattle where I saw my Redskins blow their draft position to holy hell with my brother. I've never met a nicer group of fans though. I actually high-fived a Seahawks fan after a Redskins touchdown. I wasn't trying to be a dick, he held his hand up, asking me to.

In the alcohol-and-victory induced haze of the afternoon (not to mention wet undergarmets which don't increase productivity at all) I didn't get to follow the Pool(poop!) during the day. As such, it was quite a surprise to come back home, throw everything up on ye olde spreadsheet at once, and see how the numbers fell.

First I should say we all did a fucking crazy amazing job. There isn't a group of NFL analysts working who did better this week. And yet we all can't have candy, can we?

With one game to go, five people have twelve wins on the week. But that doesn't really matter because two people have 13 wins. The two buzz-kills in question are Josh Money and Robin Wood who have 13 out of 15 nailed.

But, both Josh and Robin picked New Orleans tomorrow, which opens the hole to any of the 12 win people to tie them by picking (correctly) the New York "Public Toilet" Giants to win. The only one of the five to take up the challenge was Joey Bansen.

Here's how it breaks down for the Monday night game which will decide this week's Big Wiener (BW).

If the Giants win and the total score is...
... 41 or less, Joey Bansen wins.
... between 42 and 51, Robin Wood wins.
... 52 or higher, Josh Money wins.

If the Saints win and the total score is...
... 51 or less, Robin Wood wins.
... 52 or higher, Josh Money wins.

Back tomorrow or Tuesday with the results!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Week 12: Schedule

Happy Turkey Day! I'll need all your Thursday picks by the start of the first game Thursday. The rest of the picks are needed by 1pm EST on Sunday.

Thursday Games (12:30pm EST):

Green Bay at Detroit
Miami at Dallas
San Francisco at Baltimore

Sunday Games (1pm EST):

Minnesota at Atlanta
Carolina at Indianapolis
Cleveland at Cincinnati
Buffalo at New York Jets
Tampa Bay at Tennessee
Arizona at St. Louis
Houston at Jacksonville
Washington at Seattle
Chicago at Oakland
New England at Philadelphia
Denver at San Diego
Pittsburgh at Kansas City
New York "Hidey Ho!" Giants at New Orleans (plus total points)

Week 11: Results

Like a drunk camper fondling a sleeping bear, we're getting up against it. There are six weeks left in this, your gloriously moist NFL season.

This week was probably the most successful week we've had in the Pool(poop!)! so far. Fifteen of you won ten or more games and eight won eleven or more. Sheer craziness. My brother, Sandy, almost became the first to have an undefeated week this year. Humorously enough, he missed the Thursday night game and then won the next 13 in a row. That, as I noted in the update, makes him this week's Big Wiener! As the anointed Big Wiener, he wins a no expenses paid trip to Seattle with yours truly to see the Redskins play the Seahawks, where he'll certainly be physically threatened and urinated upon. If he's lucky. And that's just by me.

Actually, Sandy really does win that prize, but by league rules he's also required to win the Weekly Standard Prize as well. Darn rules.

Here are your Week 11 final standings:

1. Sandy Kory ... 13-1
2. Robin Wood ... 12-2
2. Matthew Mariam ... 12-2
4. Bill Denton ... 11-3
4. Josh Money ... 11-3
4. Karl Vaillancourt ... 11-3
4. John Weaver .. 11-3
4. Paddy Althoff ... 11-3
9. Joey Bansen ... 10-4
9. Jon Stover ... 10-4
9. Adam Roy ... 10-4
9. Christine Roberts ... 10-4
9. Matthew Kory ... 10-4
9. Gedeon Mariam ... 10-4
9. George Smith ... 10-4
16. Dave Labowitz ... 9-5
17. Zack Klein ... 8-6
17. Ryan Schultz ... 8-6

The Current Overall Standings (COS) are getting worse and worse for anyone whose name doesn't rhyme with Ron Beaver. Mr. Beaver, er, Weaver has increased his lead over Dave "Dollars" Labowitz (true story: get Bill Denton drunk on Bud some night and he'll tell you. twice.) from five to seven games. A seven game lead over the pack with six weeks go? That's INSANE (read like a 2am used car ad). Dave's hold on second place is slipping as well, from 3 games to a single game over Karl Vaillancourt. In fact, the difference between seventh place and second is the same as the one between second and first. As I said, good for Ron Beaver, not so good for the rest of us dirty whores.

Here are YOUR COS:

1. John Weaver ...114
2. Dave Labowitz ... 107
3. Karl Vaillancourt ... 106
4. Robin Wood ... 104
4. Josh Money ... 104
4. Matthew Mariam ... 104
7. Christine Roberts ... 101
7. Zack Klein ... 101
9. Joey Bansen ... 100
10. Bill Denton ... 98
11. Gedeon Mariam ... 97
12. Sandy Kory ... 96
12. Matthew Kory ... 96
14. Ryan Schultz ... 95
15. George Smith ... 93
16. Paddy Althoff ... 92
17. Adam Roy ... 90
18. Jon Stover ... 89

Don't forget: three games this Thursday. I'll need all those picks by the start of the day. You ain't got no time, son. Send that shit too-dey.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 11: Update

After the ridiculous Denver game which three of you bastards inexplicably got right, well, I had fell back on the old 'you can't predict football' maxim. Turns out, actually, you can.

Collectively we all kicked some buttooty this week. But as we all know, there can be only one Zool. Of the 13 game that have been played in Week 11, my brother Sandy has won 12. The next best are Matthew Mariam and Robin Wood with 11 wins each. 11 out of 13 is pretty damn impressive, but this week it nets you jack and shit.

Normally, there would be a shot at catching Sandy, but since the Monday night match up is another turdfest of a game, everyone picked New England. And with good reason. Thus, nobody can catch Sandy and, as such, he is this week's big wiener. Yay.

Back tomorrow or Tuesday with the Current Overall Standings and the wrap up for Week 11.

Remember, folks, there are two three games on Turkey Day this year, so DON'T FORGET TO SEND IN YOUR PICKS!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Week 11: Schedule

For Week 11 Schedule, add bacon, bacon bits, bac-o's, and a full side of bacon. Mix. Repeat until sick.

Thursday Night: 
New York Jets at Denver

The rest of it:
Carolina at Detroit
Cincinnati at Baltimore
Oakland at Minnesota
Buffalo at Miami
Tampa Bay at Green Bay
Dallas at Washington
Jacksonville at Cleveland
Seattle at St. Louis
Arizona at San Francisco
Tennessee at Atlanta
San Diego at Chicago
Philadelphia at New York "Hermaphroditic" Giants
Kansas City at New England (plus total points)

I'll need your Thursday pick by 8:20pm EST this Thursday. If you forget to send in your Thursday picks, you're not disqualified! You'll take the loss on Thursday, but you're much better off sending me the rest of your picks.

The rest of the week starts at 1pm EST this Sunday. Have a good week, everyone.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 10: Results

Another week, another blow opportunity by yours truly. But we'll get to that.

This Thursday night thing is really throwing you all off, huh? I know it is because it's throwing me the hell off too. First of all, I have two winning weeks in a row. You know that kinda shit doesn't just happen. But mostly, I don't have the whole week to write this dumb post. I can't write it, edit it, sit on it, re-write it, re-edit it, trash it, start over, do illegal drugs, realize we're all always totally starting over all the time and the sun is what holds our souls together, different but all equal like petals in a sunflower, trash it, start over, rinse, repeat, paper not plastic, take fries with that, pass out in a pool of my own bodily fluids.

So this Thursday shit is ruining my jive. And yet we must press on. Because to not press on would be dumb.

If you read the update, you realized that the WSP for Week 10 came down to Bill Denton, the comedy duo of Gedeon Mariam and Zack Klein, or yours truly, who adroitly boxed him self in MNP-wise for the second week in a row.

The final points totaled 52, meaning the closest to the total was one William W. H. C. Denton, III. For besting us all in Week 10, Mr. Denton wins another middle initial! Yes, he can now add the prestigious letter H to his... oh shit. Looks like he already has an H. As we all know, you can't have two Hs. That'd just be dumb. Looks like Mr. Denton will be stuck with the regular old Weekly Standard Prize. Booo-urns.

Here it is, the week that was Week 10:

1. Bill Denton ... 10-6
1. Matthew Kory ... 10-6
1. Zack Klein ... 10-6
1. Gedeon Mariam ... 10-6
5. Dave Labowitz ... 9-7
5. Christine Roberts ... 9-7
5. John Weaver ... 9-7
5. Robin Wood ... 9-7
9. Paddy Althoff ... 8-8
9. Sandy Kory ... 8-8
9. Ryan Schultz ... 8-8
9. Josh Money ... 8-8
13. Karl Vaillancourt ... 7-9
14. Matthew Mariam ... 5-11
15. Adam Roy ... 3-13
16. George Smith ... 2-14
17. Jon Stover ... 2-14
18. Joey Bansen ... 2-14

That means your Current Overall Standings (COS) look thusly:

1. John Weaver ... 103
2. Dave Labowitz ... 98
3. Karl Vaillancourt ... 95
4. Josh Money ... 93
4. Zack Klein ... 93
6. Robin Wood ... 92
6. Matthew Mariam ... 92
8. Christine Roberts ... 91
9. Joey Bansen ... 90
10. Bill Denton ... 87
10. Gedeon Mariam ... 87
12. Matthew Kory ... 86
13. Ryan Schultz ... 85
14. George Smith ... 83
14. Sandy Kory ... 83
16. Paddy Althoff ... 82
17. Adam Roy ... 80
18. Jon Stover ... 79

Back in a moment with your Week 10 schedule.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 10: Update II

As Pool(poop!) Peep Bill Denton put it in his picks this week, Thursday Night Football sucks. Yes, Bill. Yes it does.

I surmise that the Thursday game was what led a record number of you (3) to forget to send in your picks this week. Unfortunately for you too, because the rule states when you forget to send in your picks you get the number of wins accumulated by the worst record that week in the Pool(poop!) minus one. So if the worst record in whatever week was only 7 wins then those of you who forgot your picks get credit for 6. Except this week, thanks to my brother, it's worse. But we'll get to that tomorrow or Tuesday or when ever I put up the weekly results (hopefully tomorrow night).

As for this week, we've got a interesting situation going on. Four people are tied for the lead with 9 wins. Everyone picked Green Bay to beat Minnesota tomorrow night, so that won't cull the herd. Meaning, it's gonna come down to Monday Night Points! Again! Seriously! You twits!

Here's how it breaks down. If the final score totals ...

... between 0 and 46, Zack Klein and Gedeon Mariam will split the WSP (both picked 43 MNP).
... either 47 or 48, Matt Kory wins. (Note: this will not happen.)
... 49 or above, Bill Denton will blow the whole lot on Buds. 

So, that's where we stand. Zack and Gedeon are hopelessly tied, I'm straight F'd, and Bill overshot everyone. Happy day.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Week 10: Schedule

Congratulations! It's a Week 10 Schedule!

Thursday Night Football:
Oakland at San Diego

Rest of Weekly Schedule:
Arizona at Philadelphia
Jacksonville at Indianapolis
Denver at Kansas City
Pittsburgh at Cincinnati
Buffalo at Dallas
New Orleans at Atlanta
St. Louis at Cleveland
Washington at Miami
Tennessee at Carolina
Houston at Tampa Bay
Baltimore at Seattle
Detroit at Chicago
New York "Horatio Sanz" Giants at San Francisco
New England at New York Jets
Minnesota at Green Bay (plus total points)

Week 9: Results

Every once in a while you feel like you've got an especially good handle on the weekly match ups. The stars align and each match up looks like an easy game. You submit your picks and think, man, I got this thing this week.

And then they play the games.

If it's anything like this week, well, you ain't got it this week. More weirdness out of the NFL this week. Anyone watching the Eagles bandwagon has whiplash from the people jumping off it, then back on it, then back off it again. A nice loss to a slightly better than average Bears team is responsible for the latest neck pain. Anyone who thought, well maybe the Redskins aren't really this bad: WRONG. They most certainly izzity-are. When it comes to the New York "Pastrami" Giants, the Patriots seem to be jinxed. Right when you thought it was safe to put your money on Pittsburgh, the Ravens remind us that it is Pittsburgh. It's all just craziness, I tell you. Craziness.

That craziness helped turn our little Pool(poop!) into a giant mess this week. Nine wins put you in the money race, whereas nine wins wouldn't have won you shit any other week this year. So, getting to the point, you may recall from the update we had a four person race. The Bears won which gave me a chance at the WSP, slim though it may have been. Too slim as it turned out. The vaunted Bears and Eagles defenses did a nice job of escorting their opposing offenses down the field, which, in turn fucked me right in the goat ass. It also fucked Christine Roberts (though her beloved Jets won so she probably didn't care) and Ryan Schultz. The lone non-fucked person left standing in a non-fucked type of way was...

John Weaver!  Yes, again. John Weaver basically took the over in terms of scoring and was rewarded for it by being this week's Big Wiener! Congratulations, John. You win an official Herman Cain presidential handjob! Or taint licking, your choice. Of course, you'll have to wait until the "candidate" pulls out of the race after they find the photos of him molesting a goat. And a walrus. And a different goat. And that different goat's grandmother. You know what? Never mind. I'll just ship you a WSP and be done with it.

Here's how Week 9 turned out:

1. John Weaver ... 9-5
1. Matthew Kory ... 9-5
1. Christine Roberts ... 9-5
1. Ryan Schultz ... 9-5
5. Adam Roy ... 8-6
5. George Smith ... 8-6
5. Zack Klein ... 8-6
5. Joey Bansen ... 8-6
5. Matthew Mariam ... 8-6
5. Dave Labowitz ... 8-6
5. Robin Wood ... 8-6
5. Josh Money ... 8-6
13. Bill Denton ... 7-7
13. Karl Vaillancourt ... 7-7
13. Paddy Althoff ... 7-7
16. Jon Stover ... 6-8
17. Sandy Kory ... 5-9
17. Gedeon Mariam ... 5-9

After nine weeks of meaty football goodness, we've basically had two overlords. First was, you'll recall, Karl Vaillancourt, who ruled with a benevolent hand for about six or seven weeks (I'm too lazy to look it up now) (OK, I looked it up: 6 weeks). Then he was violently overthrown by John Weaver who has steadily increased his lead on the Pool(poop!)! each week. This week he's moved to five games up on the Pool(poop!)!. Thems a commanding lead.

In other news, Dave Labowitz clearly loves second place. I, on the other hand, have extricated myself from last place. So I guess that's something. Here are the Current Overall Standings (COS) as they currently overall stand.

1. John Weaver ... 94
2. Dave Labowitz ... 89
3. Joey Bansen ... 88
3. Karl Vaillancourt ... 88
5. Matthew Mariam ... 87
6. Josh Money ... 85
7. Zack Klein ... 83
7. Robin Wood ... 83
7. Ryan Schultz ... 83
10. Christine Roberts ... 82
11. George Smith ... 81
12. Paddy Althoff ... 80
13. Adam Roy ... 78
14. Jon Stover ... 77
14. Gedeon Mariam ... 77
14. Bill Denton ... 77
17. Matthew Kory ... 76
18. Sandy Kory ... 75

Week 10 gets underway this Thursday night. You can send in your Thursday pick independently from the rest of your picks, which must be received by me at the regular 1pm EST time on Sunday.

The Schedule will be up soon. Enjoy your week, everyone.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Week 9: Update

A quick note before the update: Week 10 starts the always irritating Thursday Night Football. That garbage will stay with us for most of the rest of the regular season. As such I will allow you to send in your Thursday Night picks separately from the rest of their picks. That way you don't have to make all your picks three days before the games actually start. You may also send in all your picks at the same time if you wish, though that would of course have to be before the start of the Thursday night game.

I'll be reminding you of this again in the Schedule post but I thought I'd bring it up here while I have your attention. Now, back to your regularly scheduled weekly update.

 * * *

With one game left to go, there are three Pool(poop!) Participants (P(p!)P) with nine wins. Nine is the most so far this week though nine people are on their butts with eight wins. But those with nine are safe from those with eight as everyone in the entire Pool(poop!) picked the Eagles to beat Chicago.

Except me.

That's right, I am the lone eight-winner who has a shot at catching the nine win peeps. I'm also the only moron who has bet actual money on Mike Martz, Jay Cutler, and the Chicago Bears.

Here's how it breaks down. If the Eagles win, I'm dead, and the Weekly Standard Prize (WSP) will come down to Christine Roberts, Ryan Schultz, and John Weaver. But, if the Bears win, it'll become a four person race.

Two scenarios: If the Eagles win then the three nine-would-be-ten-winners would battle it out Monday Night Points (MNP) style for the Weekly Standard Prize (WSP). The point breakdown would look like this. If the point total is between...

... 0 and 39, Christine Roberts would be your winner.
... 40 and 47, Ryan Schultz would be your winner.
... 48 and above, John Weaver would be your winner. A-frigg'n-gain.

BUT! If the Bears win, it becomes a four person race. Of course then it would also come down to Monday Night Points. As such:

... 0 and 36, Christine Roberts would be your winner.
... 37 and 39, Matthew Kory would be your winer.
... 40 and 47, Ryan Schultz would be your winner.
... 48 and above, John Weaver would be your winner. A-frigg'n-gain.

As you can see, I have as much chance of winning this as Herman Cain does of winning the presidency. Christine and John are the obvious favorites, with Ryan a long shot though nowhere close to as long as yours truly.

Best of luck to none of you pricks. Me included.

Back Tuesday or Wednesday with the results and Week 10 schedule.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Week 9: Schedule

Blow out all your candles or you won't get a big helping of schedule! Week 9:

Miami at Kansas City
Seattle at Dallas
Tampa Bay at New Orleans
San Francisco at Washington
Cleveland at Houston
Atlanta at Indianapolis
New York Jets at Buffalo
Cincinnati at Tennessee
Denver at Oakland
New York "Fruitcake" Giants at New England
Green Bay at San Diego
St. Louis at Arizona
Baltimore at Pittsburgh
Chicago at Philadelphia (plus total points)

Week 8: Results

Let this week serve as a lesson to you, peeps. When it rains it pours, then it sleets, which is often followed by snow, locusts, the black plague, pestilence, and another golf-themed movie staring Kevin Costner, which is kinda the same thing. This was not the best weekend of football if you like the Washington Redskins, run my three fantasy teams, and are me in this football pool(poop!).  I'd like to say it can't get worse, but considering my record on those three fronts in the past, I'd be stupid to tempt fate like that.

F you, fate! F you right in the goatass!

As for the Pool(poop!), we had a week with a number of obvious favorites in this week's games. Fortunately for most of us, those favorites didn't disappoint. Everyone in the Pool(poop!) picked the Giants, Tennessee, San Francisco and Houston. Everyone tried to pick Baltimore as well, but only 16 of us pulled it off successfully. So listen here, when you're cutting and pasting the schedule, be sure that you delete the team's name that you don't want. Let that be a lesson to you, idiot who runs the Pool (poop!).

As for Week 8, it came down to the unstoppable John "not remotely stoppable" Weaver and the irrepressible Matthew "please stop pressing me" Mariam. No silly Monday Night Points (MNP) or nothing like that. This was an old fashioned man on man contest that pitted two heavyweights together. That said, Weaver had no chance because his chance relied solely on the Kansas City Chiefs beating a very talented Chargers team. If the Chargers won the game, like 88% of Pool(poop!) participants (P(p!)P) expected, Matthew Mariam would be crowned Big Wiener of Week 8. Sadly Matthew and the rest of the 88% forgot a fundamental truism: Never put your money on Norv Turner.

And so it came to pass that the Chargers lost, thus anointing John Weaver the Big Wiener for Week 8! Congratulations, John! You win an autographed picture of Norv Turner being fired. (Norv will sign anything. And we mean anything. Like penises anything.) We'll get it to you after this season, or maybe slightly before.

No, of course you don't win that, though what a kick that'd be, huh? No, you win the Weekly Standard Prize (WSP)! Try not to spend it all on hair cream. Unless, you know, you're running low or something.

Here are your final standings for Week 8:

1. John Weaver ... 11-2
2. Dave Labowitz ... 10-3
2. Matthew Mariam ... 10-3
4. Ryan Schultz ... 9-4
4. Bill Denton ... 9-4
4. Christine Roberts ... 9-4
4. Joey Bansen ... 9-4
4. Josh Money ... 9-4
9. Robin Wood ... 8-5
9. Jon Stover ... 8-5
9. Zack Klein ... 8-5
9. Karl Vaillancourt ... 8-5
9. Adam Roy ... 8-5
9. Gedeon Mariam ... 8-5
15. Sandy Kory ... 7-6
15. George Smith ... 7-6
15. Matthew Kory ... 7-6
18. Paddy Althoff ... 6-7

As for the Current Overall Standings, well I'm late with this post already so I'll keep the commentary to a minimum. Weaver's Weav-tastic Week (WWW) has vaulted him even further ahead of the pack. I on the other hand am the caboose on this fudge train.

That's gross. COS:

1. John Weaver ... 85
2. Dave Labowitz ... 81
2. Karl Vaillancourt ... 81
4. Joey Bansen ... 80
5. Matthew Mariam ... 79
6. Josh Money ... 77
7. Robin Wood ... 75
7. Zack Klein ... 75
7. Ryan Schultz ... 75
10. George Smith ... 73
10. Christine Roberts ... 73
12. Paddy Althoff ... 72
12. Gedeon Mariam ... 72
14. Jon Stover ... 71
15. Adam Roy ... 70
15. Sandy Kory ... 70
15. Bill Denton ... 70
18. Matthew Kory ... 67

The schedule for Week 9 should be up shortly. Enjoy your week everyone.