Monday, December 20, 2010

Week 15: Update

This Update post is pretty close to a Results post, and in fact, its not pretty close, it is a Results post.  Here's the story, youse. (God I hate the Eagles.  Almost as much as I hate the Redskins right now.) 

With a game to go in this, your Week 15, we've got two people...fine, guys (sorry Robin!) who are vying for the lead.  Josh Money and Sandy Kory both have 11 wins so far, which is an impressive showing considering how many upsets there were this week.  There are several people (Hi Robin!) who have 10 wins so far, but because nobody here is painfully stupid, everyone picked the Bears to win on Monday night. 

This means nobody can catch Sandy and Josh.  Which means the actual result of the Monday night game doesn't matter here.  So, we'll go right to the Monday Night Points (MNP) and see how this works out.  Lets see... Sandy picked 34 points and Josh picked ... 34 points.  Crap! 

That means, no matter what happens on Monday night, Josh and Sandy are going to split the WSP.  Sorry to ruin the suspense, but what can I do?  You dolts picked the same damn number of points.  What a shame too, considering this week's prize was a book.  I'll have to slice it in half and ship it to you.  Josh, you get the top half, and Sandy, I'll send you the bottom. 

Back tomorrow night with the Current Overall Standings, and the schedule for Week 16.  Get it together, people!  Only two more weeks to go!


Unknown said...

clearly 'josh money' is an alias of julian assange, who has hacked into my computer to copy all of my picks. if i die soon, it was not of natural causes.

mattymatty said...

I've never met Josh but I've been assured by CIA agents that he exists... hey, wait a minute!!