What a weird freakin week.
In a week where the only undefeated team lost and the only totally defeated team won, well, let's say there was some odd shit going on. There were so many upsets that you'd think people's pick totals would be all over the map. But no. Oddly enough, everyone ended up in the same range. It seemed that no matter how many upsets you got right, it evened out over the 16 games because, while you might have nailed one or two, you picked three or four total and ate it on the others.
Nobody guessed that Green Bay would lose, which makes sense. I mean, Kansas City? They lost their best player in Week 1 or 2 (I can't remember), recently fired their head coach, and are on their (I think) eighth quarterback. So, sure, of course they'd beat the only undefeated team in the NFL. [smacks self in head]
On the other hand, Indianapolis, a team which as fallen apart like a Jenga stack in the hands of a four year old with a tremor, beat a Tennessee team which has been defined by, if nothing else, showing up for all their games. Not anymore. Of those two games, only one person picked one correctly.
So it was a weird week. Yet somehow, through the haze of upsets and strange outcomes, four people managed ten wins. Those four are Bill Denton, Adam Roy, John Weaver, and Joey Bansen. Everyone else in the entire Pool(poop!) had 9, 8 or 7 wins, with only one exception.
So it's going to come down to those four. And since they split the Monday night picks evenly -- Bill and Adam picked Pittsburgh to beat San Francisco on Monday Night, while John and Joey have San Fran -- it's going to come down to Monday Night Points (MNP)!
Here's how it'll break down. If Pittsburgh wins tonight and the total score...
... is from 0 up to 39, Adam Roy will win.
... is 40 or over, Bill Denton will win.
If San Francisco wins and the total score...
... is from 0 to 40, John Weaver will win.
... is 41 or over, Joey Bansen will win.
Tune in tomorrow night or Tuesday for the final results and the Current Overall Standings. We're getting down to the wire, peeps!
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