Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Money Distribution In Case Of A Tie In The Overall Standings At The End Of The Season

If you're looking for your Week 15 schedule, you can find it here.

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This post outlines the distribution of winnings at the end of the season. In the years doing this pool we've never had a tie at the top before, and based on the current standings we won't have one this year either, but just in case, I thought it would be good to put in writing.

If there are no ties at all:

* The person finishing first overall wins $460.

* The person finishing second overall wins $225.

* The person finishing third overall wins $125.

If there is a two way tie for first:

* The first place and second place prize money is combined ($460 + $225 = $685) and divided by two ($685 / 2 = $342.50), so each first place winner will receive $342.50.

* The third place prize will be handed out to (or divided up equally between) the person(s) who finish directly behind the first place finishers.

Person 1 ... 200-2
Person 2 ... 200-2
Person 3 ... 199-3
Person 4 ... 199-3
Person 5 ... 198-4

- Person 1 and Person 2 are tied for first, so the first and second place prizes are combined and then split, with each person receiving half or receive $342.50.
- Person 3 and Person 4 are directly behind the first place finishers. As they are tied, they split the third place prize, so each receives $62.50.

If there is a three way (or more) tie for first:

* All the prize money would be combined ($810) and divided by the number of people tied for the position. (Example: $810 divided by 3, so each person wins $270.)

* No second or third place money would be handed out.

Person 1 ... 200-2
Person 2 ... 200-2
Person 3 ... 200-2
Person 4 ... 199-3
Person 5 ... 198-4

- Person 1, Person 2, and Person 3 are all tied for first. All the final money ($810) is split three ways and distributed equally to each, so that each receives $270.
- Person 4 and Person 5 receive nothing.

If there is a tie for second, but not for first:

* The first place person will receive the full first place prize.

* The people tied for second will receive the total of the second and third place prizes divided by the number of people tied for second (example: two people tied for second, you add the second and third place prizes [$225 + $125 = $350] and divide by the number of people tied for the position [2] and each person will get $175).

* No third place prize would be distributed.

Person 1 ... 200-2
Person 2 ... 199-3
Person 3 ... 199-3
Person 4 ... 199-3
Person 5 ... 198-4

- Person 1 wins the full first place prize of $460.
- Person 2, Person 3 and Person 4 are all tied for second. The second place and third place money ($225 and $125) is combined ($350) split three ways, and distributed equally to each, so that each receives $116.66.

- Person 5 receives nothing.

If there are no ties for first or second and a tie for third:

* First and second place prizes will be distributed normally.

* The third place prize ($125) will be split as many ways as there are third place finishers.

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I hope that is all clear. Please email me if you have any questions.

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