Sunday, November 01, 2009

Week 8: Update

Happy update, everyone. A quickie here this morning. First of all, and not to go all Peter King on you here, but if you ever make it out to Portland, Oregon you gotta get yourself some Stumptown Coffee. This stuff is the best. In fact it's so good that Peter King probably wouldn't even like it. How's that for an endorsement? I'm enjoying a cup right now from a bag imported to Philly. Good stuff. Nothing goes with crying babies like good coffee...

To the pool(poop!)!

This week we've got three people tied for first place with 9 wins: Matthew Mariam, Jon Stover, and Dave Labowitz. Everyone in the entire pool(poop!) picked New Orleans to win tonight, so that ain't gonna change anything. That means... MONDAY NIGHT POINTS!! You know the drill by now (closest without going over wins, unless everyone goes over then it's just the closest):

Dave Labowitz picked 48 points
Matthew Mariam picked 51 points
Jon Stover picked 51 points
(Jon Stover and Matthew Mariam are going to get married! Because they picked the same amount of points!)

So if the total score of tonight's game adds up to 50 points or less, Dave Labowitz will win the Weekly Standard Prize (WSP). If the score is 51 or more, Jon Stover and Matthew Mariam will win and split the WSP.

I'll be back tomorrow with the winner and final standings for Week 8 and an update on the Current Overall Standings (COS). Good luck to none of you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just ordered some SleepyMonk coffee from CannonBeach this morning...very excited!

Signed - Coffee dork