How can I resist a picture like that? We got Crazy Clinton Portis absolutely decking some Jag while Santana Moss runs by him for a touchdown. Ahhh....mmm... Whoops, it appears I need a clean pair of Dockers.
Well, Week 4 is in the books, folks, and there were more beat-downs administered in what I perceived to be close games than I can remember in a while. The Pats crushed Cincy, Chicago absolutely destroyed Seattle, and the Chiefs knocked the 49ers onto the ground, pooped on their collective head, and then smeared it into their eyes. Also, they beat them in a football game.
Yet, after all that is said and done, we non-Eagles fans here in Philly (all one of us) are taking cover in our underground bomb shelters. Why? Because this week is Hell Week, i.e. T.O.'s return to da 2-1-mutha-f'n-fizzity-fiz-ive. This could get dangerous.
The one comparable situation is Johnny Damon's return to Boston earlier this year, a game I was fortunate enough to attend. The media made it sound like Damon got cheered, but from where I was sitting down the right field line, he got booed like he just waltzed into Fenway Park wearing a Yankees uniform. (Wha...? No he di 'ent!) I expect this to be much much worse. And I can't F'n wait.
So, more on that later. Lucky you.
Back to the MFSAFP(p!)! This past week didn't help to separate anything, really. We've still got a multi-way tie at the top of the standings and only four games separating first from last. Anything can still happen, especially since there are 13 weeks left.
As for Week 4, it worked out thusly:
1. Matthew Mariam 11-3
2. Andy Harris 10-4
Matthew Kory 10-4
Sandy Kory 10-4
Scott Rozsa 10-4
George Smith 10-4
Karl Vaillancourt 10-4
3. Joey Bansen 9-5
Zach Klein 9-5
Joshu Shih 9-5
Jon Stover 9-5
4. Bill Denton 8-6
5. Dave Labowitz 7-7
So, as you can see, the winner and new weekly champion is: Matthew Mariam! Congratulations Matthew! You win a new Dell Computer with flaming battery! Complements of Dell, who asks you to sign here, and here, and here, and here, and initial here here here and here. Also, its probably best not to touch the computer. Ever. Actually, no, you really win nothing at all, because I spotted you the money! Because you're in Iraq! Yeah! By the way, mail me some of those flowers they keep throwing at you, eh? Don't be such a flower hog!
So, with Week 4 in the books, the yearly standings are this:
1. Joey Bansen 39-21
Andy Harris 39-21
Matt Kory 39-21
Jon Stover 39-21
Karl Vaillancourt 39-21
2. Sandy Kory 38-22
Joshu Shih 38-22
3. Zach Klein 37-23
Scott Rozsa 37-23
4. Bill Denton 36-24
Dave Labowitz 36-24
Matthew Mariam 36-24
5. George Smith 35-25
Yes, a five-way tie for first. Holy crap. So, congrats to Matthew, and good luck to everyone in Week 5, which I'll be posting tomorrow sometime.
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