I now proclaim to you, brothers and sisters, that Coach "Joe" Gibbs is back! All ye who enter the NFC East shall cower in his presence! None can measure up to his stature! No man is his equal, forst he hath beaten a certain team from Texas who... wait a minute... what?... Seriously? Who the hell are the "Texans"?
Ok, so my Redskins got smoked most righteously by Dallas last week. But they did slightly redeem themselves this week, by returning from the land of the dead (Texas) as victors (that’s, people named 'Victor') over Houston, a city whose pro football team is only surpassed in crappiness by their air quality. In other NFL news the Eagles played yet another rotten opponent and won (get used to this, folks), the Giants played a good team and got smoked like reefer at Ricky Williams apartment, and the Cardinals, Browns and Bucs all spit the proverbial bit.
So, week 3 is now behind us, and I was right. No, not about the games. About those I was wrong (mostly), but I was right that week 3 would be a bear. A big blood-thirsty bear, with claws and teeth and stuff... RAWR!! The kind of bear that consistently occupies the top spot on the Colbert Report's weekly 'Threatdown' feature. Favorites went 8-6 this week, people, and that’s what we here at MFSAFP(p!)! call a difficult week.
So, with out further ado, lets get right to the Week 3 standings! (By the way, if anyone knows how to import a damn excel spreadsheet into blogger, let me know. It'll improve the look of the standings immeasurably.)
Andy Harris 10-4
Dave Labowitz 9-5
Jon Stover 9-5
Joey Bansen 8-6
Sandy Kory 8-6
Karl Vaillancourt 8-6
Matthew Kory 7-7
Matthew Mariam 7-7
Scott Rozsa 7-7
George Smith 7-7
Joshu Shih 7-7
Bill Denton 6-8
Zach Klein 6-8
That’s right! I finished tied for 4th! Hooray for me! Oh, and Andy Harris won. Whoo. So an official MFSAFP(p!)! Congratulations to Andy! You win an official Suri Cruise diaper bag autographed *ahem* by Suri herself! Actually, no, unfortunately you win the MFSAFP(p!)! Standard Weekly Prize (SWP) of $52. I recommend putting it all into oil stocks.
So, how does this affect the yearly standings? Well, here's your answer:
Joey Bansen 30-16
Jon Stover 30-16
Dave Labowitz 29-17
Andy Harris 29-17
Matthew Kory 29-17
Joshu Shih 29-17
Karl Vaillancourt 29-17
Bill Denton 28-18
Zach Klein 28-18
Sandy Kory 28-18
Scott Rozsa 27-19
Matthew Mariam 25-21
George Smith 25-21
Even after the brutal beating that was Week 3 we've got a two-way tie at the top, with only five games separating the field. So, again, congrats to Andy for his Week 3 victory, and good luck to all of you in This Week 4 of Our Lord, the NFL season. I'll be posting this week's games either later today or tomorrow. Till then!
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